SEAA 2022
Singapore Environmental Achievement Awards 2022
The Singapore Environmental Achievement Awards (SEAA) remains one of the most prestigious environmental awards in Singapore and the region today. It recognises the overall environmental stewardship by organisations and is in support of the Singapore Green Plan, which seeks to rally and inspire everyone to take action towards environmental initiatives.
SACS 2022

Singapore Apex Achievement Awards 2022
The Singapore Apex Corporate Sustainability Awards represent the most prestigious form of recognition for companies in Singapore on corporate sustainability.
The Awards recognise companies whose business operations or solutions have demonstrated excellence in embodying the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, in the areas of environment, human rights, labour and anti-corruption. The Awards also recognise companies attaining the triple bottom line.


CNA Green Plan Hackthon 2022
The CNA Green Plan will shine a spotlight on the key challenges Singapore faces due to climate change. It aims to rally the nation to make the changes that will ensure a sustainable future for all of us. And it hopes to do this by inspiring individuals to see where, in their day-to-day life, they can take the small steps to go green.
Our team competed in the 2022 edition of the Hackathon and won the overall competition!